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רҵҽѧӢÓï·Òë-רҵҽѧÎļþ·Òë-רҵҽѧÂÛÎÄ·ÒëObject: The procedure establishes the rules and the responsibilities for the approach, the development, the review and the verification of the mechanic, electric, pneumatic, software project validation for the assembling devices.
Application field: The following process can be applied to A and B jobs with an amount higher than 50.000€.
Operation procedures and responsibility
PHASE 1µÚÒ»½×¶Î :
MED and ESD receive from SE M07 job card, M03 Detailed Technical/Economic quotation analysis, M04 sum-Up card expenses/hours. All the documentation, approved by GM, concerned the new line, is attached in the job folder available on the company server and includes:
- proposal of possible equipment or components or significant amounts,
- M05 Customer offer,
- Customer order (contract),
- Customer technical specification, Customer specification (if present),
- drawing DWG o DXF version and paper version of the components that must be assembled, samples of components that must be assembled, approximately lay-out of the line.
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After the documentation is received, department manager identify the Mechanical Project Manager (MPM), Electrical Engineering Project Manager (EEPM), whom will be presented the job during the review phase of the contract. In some cases, for jobs or technical details during the offer phase, SE could contact the MPM for possible verification and solutions to be introduced to the customer. MEDM and EEDM, each one in their own sector, co-ordinate and follow job planning and documentation compilation.
Consequently to the job’s presentation by SE, the MPM, who is defined thanks to the received documentation and with the collaboration of MTS and MEDMGMfor the historical tracking (previous projects and related documentation) and Customer reference, make an analysis of the line and of the lay-out prepared by the sales department. At the same time ESD with the co-operation of MPM examines similar lines, already assembled, for reinforcing the knowledge. After one week from the project presentation, MPM can proclaim a further meeting during which the technical departmentdesign institutionsexplain what it has been understood during the presentation made by the sales department. MPM should prepare the draft of design plan and questionnaire. Taking part at the meeting: GM, EEPM, MEDM, EEDM, SE. In this phase the documents already analysed during the first meeting are going through a technical analysis to point out any critical point. The presence of sales engineer guarantee the absence of doubtful point before begin the planning phase. The meeting conclusions are registered on M32 ‘Project Concept Finalization’ by MPM.
After the project presentation, MPM works out immediately the Mechanical Design Plan M09, which describes all the parts of the line and the related configuration.
At the beginning of the mechanical design, the Design Plan will be composed only by the stations, then the MPM has to be update it, add the relevant groups, details and keep the Design Plan available on the server.
The progress of the Design Plan will be monitored by MPM, MEDM, GM and PDM, who might modify the planning according to the development
MPM defines the concept concerned the line automation, the standard that must be used, analyses planning offers and costs.
If during the opening phase it is necessary to utilize some components defined by the Customer for further test (for ex. feeding system, screwing test etc.) or analysis, some Customer auxiliary equipment in account for manufacturing or testing, they must be defined and reported.
PHASE 2µÚ¶þ½×¶Î:
As soon as the unit, the logics of the operative stations working, pallet and station configuration are defined, MPM proclaims a meeting with GM, ESPM, PDM, MD, ESD during that it is discussed the processing and the ‘Mechanical Design Validation’ is drawn up, M10. MPM should prepare all related documents before meeting.
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M10 is the confirmation of the design, which will be signed by MPM.
M10 meeting is carried out before the design review meeting with the customer.
The Design Validation is a critical, documented, exhaustive analysis of all the things already defined during the opening phase of the project with the target to decide if the suggested solutions complied with the quality requirement, and to find out solutions for eventually critical points. The SE could be called together too, that must control if all the project components are corresponding with the contract description and/or they are agreement with Customer decision.
During the internal project review all the mechanic solutions adopted in the studying phase, the technical sequence of the operations, the electrical system (related with the mechanic one), the electrical/pneumatic solutions on the stations, software structure (made by ESPM), ergonomics (if a worker is necessary), safety solution and eventually installation of protection are duly discussed and confirmed. All these related information should be in M10 draft, and reviewed by MTS, the meeting result should be recorded in M10 meeting miniutes.
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The M10 registration is filed in the job folder available on the company server.
After M10 meeting, the MEDM will officially issue the Mechanical Design Plan (M09).
In the job documentation are filed all the Customer’s meeting notes too.
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During M10 it is analysed if the solution chosen are correct and it is also analysed whether the realization cost are aligned with the ones expected by the sales department (sales quotation) and the related costs (M03 and M04).
PHASE 3µÚÈý½×¶Î:
MPM must update the specific Design M09 with the modification made after the review and all the received information about the arguments. MPM makes a revision, with the stations modification, the layout update according to the project review.
During the design phase MPM must supply to EEPM help and support, as well as all the information for processing the risk analysis.
MPM process all the dates and drawings, managing the internal resources involved in the mechanical design and making it sure to comply with the time planning of the project.
EEPM, thanks to the received information, defines the station operation, HW and SW system configuration, flow charts for each station’s cycle and processing standard that must be used.
As explained in the contract, MPM and EEPM show the design project to the Customer for the approval according to the procedure. Customer’s decision for project approval are saved in the job’s documentation.
In this phase, the documentation and project (drawings, diagrams, etc.) are compared with the contract and manufacturing.
The MPM and EEPM have to sign all the Bill of Materials to prove the inspection and confirmation of the technical solutions, has been made.
Before delivering the drawings and BOM to Mechanical technical supervisor (MTS) , MPM has to ensure that they are all signed.
Before delivering the BOMs to Purchaser, EEPM has to ensure that they are all signed
MPM must produce the documentation for the following activities necessary for the project completion: materials list, the drawings of mechanical parts, the drawings for commercial components.
EEPM after the electric/pneumatic project verifies it with particular attention to technical dates and security-emergency circuit. Certificated diagrams must be signed; if it is necessary in this phase the EEPM can be helped by MPM.
Once electrical/pneumatic planning inspection is finished, the materials list is completed and transmitted to CPD for related purchase by EEPM.
Electrical diagrams are managed by EEPM for software development phase.
In case a project is supposed to utilise presses, punches, screws, loading cells, measuring systems, metering systems, vision systems, technical department (MPM and EEPM) collaborate in choosing equipments, according to the material classification sheet, making note their approval on the documentation to send to PUD(it will be used the specific seal which confirms the approval of both ESPM and MPM)
PHASE 5µÚÎå½×¶Î:
When the project design is finished MPM organizes a meeting for explaining the project to AIMAC that is the assembly responsible. In that phase is compiled the M29 ’ Project Presentation to Assembly Leader (AIMAC)’, this is the most important phase between processing and implementing phase. Before meeting, MPM must prepare all the related documents well first.
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