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发布时间:2020-01-10 09:03 点击:
圣彩外墙柔性腻子Sancai wall flexible putty
外墙柔性腻子Outer wall flexible putty
圣彩外墙柔性腻子具有耐水抗碱、附着力强、抗裂性能佳等特点。能够有效弥补基层细微裂纹,适用于保温墙面基层处理。本产品无毒、无味、是绿色环保产品。 Sancai outer wall flexible putty has the features of water alkali-resistance, strong adhesion, good crack resistance, etc. It can effectively compensate for minor cracks of the substrate and is suitable for primary treatment of the thermal insulation wall. This product is a non-toxic and tasteless green environmental product.
产品组成:Product compositions:
白色硅酸盐水泥、重质碳酸钙、氧化钙、氢氧化钙、有机添加剂White Portland cement, ground calcium carbonate, calcium oxide, calcium hydroxide and organic additives
适用范围:Applicable scope:
适用于建筑物外墙的混凝土、水泥砂浆、墙砖等基层墙面的找平、修补及外墙外保温体系的抗裂、找平、修补层。Be suitable for leveling and patching of concrete of building facades, cement mortar and brick walls as well as crack resistance, leveling and patching of exterior insulation system.
施工要求:Construction requirements:
l 基层应坚实、无浮灰油污、干燥、平整。The substrate should be solid, free from dust, dry and flat. 墙体强度应大于或者接近腻子强度。The wall strength should be greater than or close to that of the putty.
l 吸水性强的基层应先用清水润湿(不可有明水)或用稀释的界面处理剂进行封底处理后再进行腻子批刮。The absorbent substrate should be wetted with water (without have water) or treated with dilute interface processing agent, then batch scraping can be done.
l 施工时,墙面含水率应低于10%,墙面PH值低于10。During construction, the moisture content of the wall surface should be less than 10%, and its PH value is below 10.
l 单次批刮厚度应大于0.5mm(防止脱粉),不宜超过1.5mm(防止开裂)。A single batch scraping thickness should be greater than 0.5 mm (to prevent powder from falling off) and be less than 1.5 mm (to prevent cracking).
l 遇到两墙体结合处或墙体裂缝时,应用网格布进行加强处理,防止开裂。If any cracks at the junction of two walls or on the wall, the reinforcing treatment should be done with gridding cloth to prevent cracking.
用法及用量:Usage and dosage:
l 使用方法:应先加水,后加粉料,按腻子粉:水≈1:0.4 ~ 0.5 (质量比)的比例搅拌均匀,静置5〜10分钟后,再次充分搅拌均匀即可使用(稀稠度以适合施工为宜)。Application method: Add water first, and then add the powder. Mix uniformly according to the proportion of putty power: water ≈1:04~0.5 (mass ratio). After stirring, it is placed for 5-10 minutes, and then after stirring again, it can be used (The concentration should be suitable for construction).
l 参考用量:按批刮厚度1mm计算,1公斤腻子粉可批刮墙面1m2 (两遍),具体用量受墙面平整度影响而有所差异。Reference dosage: Batch scraping thickness is calculated based on 1 mm, 1 kg lime plaster can be used for the wall surface of about 1 m2 (twice), and the specific dosage depends on the flatness of the wall.
注意事项:Points for attention:
l 施工后12小时内避免雨淋、霜冻。Avoid the rain and frost within 12 hours after construction.
l 基层光滑度较高的情况下,建议先使用界面处理剂进行墙面处理。If the substrate has good smoothness, it is recommended to use interface treatment agent first for wall treatment.
l 泛碱严重和有明水的基层不可直接批刮腻子,基层经特殊处理后再进行批刮。The substrate with serious efflorescence and water cannot be scraped directly with putty and should be treated first.
l 半固化的材料不可加水再用。The half cured material cannot be reused by addition of water.
l 施工现场温度应在5℃以上,相对湿度50%以下为宜,并需注意基层吸水情况。温度过低或吸水过快有可能造成脱粉、干裂等现象。The temperature of construction site should be above 5℃, and the relative humidity of about 50% is appropriate. And it is needed to pay attention to water-absorption situation of the substrate. Too low Temperature or too fast water absorption may cause powder removal, crack and so on.
l 由于乳胶漆对碱性基层比较敏感,故在涂刷墙面漆前需要涂刷一遍抗碱底漆,避免出现乳胶漆发花的现象,同时可以提高漆膜饱满度,减少墙面漆的消耗量。As the latex paint is sensitive to alkali substrate, it is necessary to brush alkali resistant primer once before brushing of the wall finish to avoid the phenomenon of flooding, to improve the film plumpness and to reduce the consumption of paint amount.
储存及运输:Storage and transport:
本产品应存放在干燥通风处,严防霜冻和暴晒,标准情况下贮存有效期为6个月。产品无毒不燃,贮存运输可按《非危险品规则》办理。The product should be stored in the dry and ventilated place to prevent frost and exposure, and the period of validity for storage is 6 months under standard conditions. The product is non-toxic and non-flammable. Storage and transportation can be carried out according to "Non-Dangerous Goods Rules".
执行标准:Executive standard:
技术标准:JG/T23455-2009 Technical standards: JG/T23455-2009
环保标准:GB18582-2008 Environmental standards: GB18582-2008
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